My name is Seifegabriel Seyoum, I am 42 years old and I am from Ethiopia born in the capital city (Addis Ababa). where I grew up enjoying my elementary, secondary and college studies and graduated in Bachelor of Art degree in Political science and International Relations.
Therefore, I start wondering in how I can create another line of business when I got some free time but this time I need something that goes with my obsession which is related with food. Then I decided to start making gelato since gelato was my favorite for me and my sister, which we usually admire eating it while we spent our vacations in Europe. That is how I end up opening a gelato shop again with one of my friend as I believe in partnership.
Why did you decide to produce and sell gelato?
In my country, there is no place who sell quality gelato therefore we decided to produce a best gelato.
Where did you learn about Carpigiani Gelato University? Why did you decide to register for courses?
After I decided to open a gelato shop, the first thing I did was that I started browsing on the internet for “who can supply us a best machine” and I found that
Carpigiani is a leader in the industry and I emailed the company our enquiry and got a prompt reply accompanied by a visit of their regional representative who advised my partner and me to take the
course in Carpigiani University by introducing their free package for those who procure their equipment. In addition, he explained to us the necessity and importance to have the knowledge ourselves. So we both took the course which was actually our best time since we become students again after many years.

What is the mission of your gelato shop?
“To be a leader in the industry by providing exquisite flavors in the country”
What was the inspiration for the name of your gelato shop?
Our gelato shop is called Tutto Gelato which shows that we are only specialized in Gelato and related products only.
Tell me about a typical day in the shop.
It's of course the first day of opening, we were so anxious to see the response of our clients. Then at the end of the day we were so delighted to see people really liked our gelato.
What part of your work do you like the most?
I always be happy in guiding and teaching my fellow colleagues, because my inspiration is to create a big family in the industry and create job opportunity in our shop and shops in the future.
What is your favorite flavor?
My favorite is Mekid (White and brown Chocolate Mix) and Cookies flavors.
Is there a flavor you enjoy making the most?
I enjoy making my favorite….
What is your customers’ favorite flavor?
Actually it is again Cookies, Vanilla and Mekid
In the country where you work, is artisanal gelato known? Or is it confused with industrial ice cream?
Yes, people confused Industrial ice cream with gelato, only few clients knows the difference.
How do you communicate the craftsmanship of your product?
We always tried to explain to our clients that our gelato is made from fresh and original ingredients and our preparation area is covered by clear windows where our clients can have a clear vision while gelato is under preparation.
In your opinion, what is the key to success for a gelato shop?
The key to success is to provide quality gelato! And one can only get that when he/she have the best gelato making machinery, best ingredients and of course standard display to showcase the products.
How do you communicate with customers and how do you make yourself known? Do you use social networks a lot?
Yes, we used different social media like Facebook, instagram…etc
What are your plans for the future? Do you want to open more shops?
Yes, we want to open in branches in a very short time. Two branches as the same time. And this is going to happen in 10 month since our first one.
What is the message/advice that you would give CGU students or anyone who wants to start a career in the gelato business?
Don’t be afraid to spend more in your investment! You will recover that in a very short time! So go for the best machine ( Carpigiani is my big time recommendation) , go for the best ingredients and go for the best display showcase! Last but not the least “Location of your shop” This are the key things on your investments, you can be considerate on the rest.